Exam Study Material (Free Access)

Psychology Concepts Explainer Videos (>100 hours)
Psychology Entrance Exams (PG & MPhil) Notes
Psychology Entrance Exams (UG) Notes
SPSS Step-by-Step Guide
Comprehensive Study Notes with Mnemonics that cover several subdomains of Psychology. Perfect for any psychology exam or psychology entrance exam preparation such as.

NTA UGC NET Solved Previous Years Papers
Find 13 solved previous year papers and attempt to answer them in a quiz format!

Practice Tests
We have developed practice tests for all students of psychology across sub-domains. Biological Psychology, General Psychology, Lifespan Development, Social Psychology, Organizational Behaviour, Cognitive Psychology, Research and Statistics, Psychopathology.

Summarizing Psychology Book
Psychology notes for Biological Psychology, General Psychology, Lifespan Development, Social Psychology, Organizational Behaviour, Cognitive Psychology, Research and Statistics, Psychopathology.

App for UGC NET Psychology
Android App build according to NTA UGC NET Latest Syllabus.

SPSS Guide Android App
Learning SPSS has been made easy. Simply follow the Step-by-Step SPSS guide to learn inferential and descriptive statistical procedures and understand the outputs with interpretation.
- How does psychotherapy work?In my experience, the best way to explain how therapy works is to explain it with an analogy. Imagine you were playing football. During the game, the ball was kicked… Read more: How does psychotherapy work?
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