Correlation (Free Access)


If data is normally distributed (Parametric) conduct Pearson’s correlation,

For not normally distributed data (Non-Parametric) conduct Spearman’s rank correlation

  • For both, the following steps are to be followed:
    • Analyze
    • Correlate
    • Bivariate/Partial/Distances
      • Bivariate for continuous variables
      • Partial for one continuous and another dichotomous variable
    • Move the variables to the variables tab
    • Select the type of correlations
    • Check the output table


  • Sig. indicates whether the score would be correct 95% of the time for this sample or 99%.
    • If Sig. score is less than <0.05, it indicates,  the scores are significant at 95% confidence interval
    • If Sig. score is less than <0.01, it indicates  that the data is significant at 99% confidence interval
    • Once, significance is established, the Pearson/Spearman correlation score becomes important. That score indicates the strength of the relationship.
    • Scores closer to +/- 1 are strong and closer to 0 are weak. The scores can only be between -1 to +1